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Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan have celebrated the birthday of Qianxi card for nine years in a row.

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November 28th is Qianxi's 22nd birthday. Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan, two other members of TFBOYS, celebrated his birthday one after another. It is reported that this is the ninth year in a row that Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan celebrated the birthday of Yi Yi Qianzhu, and the feelings of the three are super good.

![77f05453ed844689a1920c5d8901e1bd.png] (https://imgs.the9c.com/2022/1128/80744d3e9615b0ce7dc182260fb20e6a.png)

![6321793ca89f47b8a274927c43795420.png] (https://imgs.the9c.com/2022/1128/4b87d6929801ae11ff8b8c3cea9237b2.png)

November 28th is Qianxi's 22nd birthday. Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan, two other members of TFBOYS, celebrated his birthday one after another. Wang Junkai wrote: "Happy 22nd birthday to my brother, happy every day for the new year, and wishes come true!" . Wang Yuan wrote: "Happy birthday to Qianxi. I wish you more courage and tenderness at the age of 22." It is reported that this is the ninth year in a row that Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan celebrated the birthday of Yi Yi Qianzhu, and the feelings of the three are super good.

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